Monday, December 10, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Here is a quick year in review on the Chidester's. These pictures of the boys, were taken at the Blue Man Group show in Las Vegas. They got buried in toilette paper!

Howie is 7 years old. He loves 2nd grade, and he won his schools reflections program in visual arts this year. He takes gymnastics and piano. Howie is handsome, and popular. He charms everyone he meets, and is a joy to have around.

Brandon is 13 years old and started at American Fork Jr. High this year. He is enrolled in the Academic Studies Program for English and History, and still manages to pull a 4.0 GPA. He was one of only a few of the 7th graders admitted to the Jr. Honors Society in his school this year. He takes fencing, and piano, and he is currently working on his Eagle Scout project. He also got scuba certified this year, and is looking forward to putting those skills to use! Obviously, Brandon is driven and incredibly intelligent, but what I love most about him is that he is very spiritual. Brandon is a voice of reason in a world full of chaos, and I rely on him heavily!

I (Melanie) found out in February that I had Hodgkins Lymphoma again. I thought after 11 Years I didn't need to worry about it anymore! I just finished 6 months of chemotherapy, and 5 weeks of radiation. I don't have all of my energy back, but at least I am functioning now, and I am sporting a chic (the truth is I look like a boy) sporty short hairdo! Thank you, to all who helped me during this time, and for all of the prayers, cards, support, and encouragement! I am truely blessed with a large and vast support system, and cannot find words to express my gratitude!

Todd has been able to bear up under his burdens. He has taken care of me, the boys, and countless others through his job at Utah Valley Pediatrics, which he loves. He is so strong and amazing! Todd doesn't have much free time, but he loves BYU football, and is looking forward to going to the bowl game in Las Vegas this month.

We did have the opportunity to go on a family vacation before I started Chemo, thanks to the wonderful Doctors that Todd works with, who shocked and surprised us with a trip to Florida! We had a great time in Orlando, and Tampa! Today in Utah, I think we had a high of 29 degrees, and I really enjoy my memories of sunshine!

We wish all of our friends, and family, and loved ones a great year, and lots of joy, peace, and prosperity!


j and s said...

I LOVE your blog and am VERY impressed with you. Very sweet christmas message. I will be checkiing it frequently for updates:) How was disneyland, by the way? How are you feeling? I need to just call you.

Haylee said...

Your blog is so cute! Your boys are getting so big and it sounds like they are doing awesome. We miss you guys and hope things are going well. Merry Christmas!!!
Scott and Haylee

The Chidesters said...

Hey Melanie and Todd!

Liz told me that she thought you guys had a blog site so I went on-line and found it. We just started one and I would love to send you an invitation to it (you have to be "invited" to see ours) but I don't know what your e-mail address is. Please e-mail me at and I'll send you the link to sign in.

How are you all doing now? I'd heard your cancer came back but I haven't heard anything since then. Drop us a line!
